Sunday, March 25, 2012

Data eplorer DBxtra

Just found a very nice tool for data exploring, filtering and report creation.
Connects to almost any database.
Can create very fast and complete reports.
You even can schedule reports.Yeah, it's called reporting services...|||Even if you could get DBxtra to work, it is quite lame compared to Reporting Services. DBxtra seems more like a sub-set of the more commonly used features from Crystal Reports.

-PatP|||Pat & Brett, I haven't had a chance to play around with reporting services. Do both of you recommend it?|||There's no majik bullet for reporting, but Reporting Services is very, very good. If you have only Windoze hosted (or at least ODBC accessible) tools to report from, Reporting Services is probably as good as you'll find.

-PatP|||Pat & Brett, I haven't had a chance to play around with reporting services. Do both of you recommend it?

Getting server support (that's their gig) to get anything done, that a vp is not smashing them over the head, is not on their radar...I'm still waiting..

BUT...if it's like everything can build it better and more customiozable...think about it...take dynamic to the nth level...

That's all the f'n wizards do...|||Thanks, I'll check it out and see what it's all about.

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