Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Data fetch


I'm using a remote SQL Server Express database with a C# app, and to do so as most of you already know, there's no DataSource available, it's all around SQL. This poses a problem as when I want to browse (1 by 1 in my app, with search utility) the contents of a given table, I have to perform a Select command. Well the problem is when I do this it loads all records into a DataSet (or DataTable), which is fine by me, but one of my tables is expected to reach 400 or 500 records in a few months time. This will mean a lot of loading from the db once the app is launched. Is there a way to make this connection more efective? Thanks


yes, it's possible... you just have to change your mind about how you fetch and work with data... do no longer "think" in terms of "tables" like in older JET paradgm where you opened a table and navigate via seek methods to the required "record", but "think" in terms of compacted recordsets.. thus filter the data you really need both in horizzontal and vertical terms..

in horizzontal term, returns only the actual columns you need, so provide the restricted column list of the projection you want (do not write SELECT * FROM but SELECT colX, colY, colZ FROM)..

in vertical term, provide a filter condition to the FROM clause in order to return just the "bunch" of rows you are interested with, so write

SELECT <col_list> FROM dbo.Customers WHERE CustomerID = theCustomerYouAreLookingFor

instead of

SELECT * FROM dbo.Customers

and the navigate to the customer row via client side Ado.Net/ADO/whatever seek methods..


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